
"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.“ - Robert Brault

Often, bits and pieces can be lost during a transition and we might not know how important they were to us until they are gone. In a fully digital setting, it can be hard to relay the feelings of gratitude and camaraderie we get from coworkers praising us for a job well done or encouraging us to push on when going gets tough. So, to help you give and receive that pat on the back we all sometimes need, across distances of remote work, we created APPreciation - the gratitude app.

APPreciation is a simple web app that can help your team feel the gratitude of others and express their own gratitude for all the things that their coworkers are doing that are making their life and work easier in these challenging times. Gratitude has proven positive effects on the feelings of loneliness and isolation, as well as being an excellent way to keep your team focused on company values while working remotely.

All you need to do to get started is to define who the members of your virtual team are and, if you want it, a framework of what things they could be looking out for, such as your team and company values.

Feeling like encouraging some positivity? Let us set up your profile:
